Strange Laws Arizona

law enthusiast, always captivated unique sometimes laws exist states. Known picturesque landscapes culture, exception. Here are 10 strange laws in Arizona that will surely pique your interest:

Law Description
It is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water. In the desert climate of Arizona, staying hydrated is crucial. Law ensures denied water, during heat.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs. While law absurd, actually put place donkeys brought bathtubs prevent asleep causing nuisance.
It is illegal to hunt camels. Arizona known camel population, law prohibits hunting animals, perhaps nod significance parts world.
Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs. This law likely originated from a specific incident involving a donkey and a bathtub, leading to its peculiar inclusion in Arizona`s statutes.
Birds right way highways. Arizona`s respect for wildlife extends to birds, as this law mandates that they are given priority on highways, ensuring their safety.
It is illegal to wear a red mask in public. This law, while seemingly arbitrary, may have historical roots in the prohibition of wearing masks for the purpose of concealing one`s identity.
Spitting on a public sidewalk is a misdemeanor. This law reflects the importance of maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, discouraging unsanitary behavior.
It illegal hunt pursue bear purpose capture it. Arizona`s protection of bears extends to this law, which prohibits hunting or harassing them unless it is for the purpose of capture and relocation.
Pool tables in public establishments must be in plain view from the street. By requiring visibility of pool tables from the street, this law aims to prevent illicit activities from taking place out of sight.
It illegal promote use, own six dildos. While this law may seem unconventional, it reflects Arizona`s regulations on the promotion and ownership of adult products.

These strange laws in Arizona offer a glimpse into the state`s unique legal landscape. While some may appear comical, they often have interesting historical or cultural significance. Whether it`s to protect wildlife, uphold public decency, or preserve traditions, these laws contribute to Arizona`s distinct identity.

Legal Contract: 10 Strange Laws in Arizona

Arizona known unique laws may strange outdated. Legal contract outlines 10 unusual laws Arizona.

Law Number Law Description
1 It is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water Arizona.
2 In Mohave County, Arizona, it is illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub.
3 It is illegal to hunt camels Arizona.
4 Spitting in front of a police officer in Arizona is a crime.
5 It is illegal to walk through a hotel lobby in Arizona wearing only a bathing suit.
6 In Nogales, Arizona, wearing suspenders is prohibited.
7 Driving a car in reverse is illegal in Glendale, Arizona.
8 It illegal cut cactus Arizona.
9 In Tombstone, Arizona, illegal men women age 18 one missing tooth visible smiling.
10 It is illegal to feed garbage to pigs without first obtaining a permit in Arizona.

By acknowledging and signing this legal contract, all parties involved agree to adhere to the laws outlined above.

Frequently Asked Legal Questions about Arizona`s Weird Laws

Question Answer
1. Is illegal refuse glass water someone Arizona? Yes, true! Arizona, law deny glass water. This quirky law was put in place to ensure hospitality and prevent dehydration in the desert climate.
2. Can arrested cutting cactus Arizona? Absolutely! Arizona takes its cacti seriously, and cutting down a saguaro cactus, in particular, can result in a hefty fine and even jail time. These iconic desert plants are protected by law.
3. Is true Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs Arizona? Believe it or not, it`s a real law! Donkeys are prohibited from sleeping in bathtubs in Arizona, dating back to a bizarre incident in the 1920s. It may seem funny, but it`s actually a serious law.
4. Can I shoot a camel on a public highway in Arizona? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Happen encounter stray camel public highway Arizona, legal right shoot it. However, we highly recommend contacting animal control instead!
5. Is it illegal to wear a red mask in public in Arizona? Yes, it is! In Arizona, wearing a red mask in public is considered a crime, as it`s often associated with being a member of a criminal gang. The law aims to prevent gang-related activities.
6. Can I use my donkey to plow cotton fields on Sundays in Arizona? Oddly enough, Arizona law prohibits the use of donkeys to plow cotton fields on Sundays. It`s a whimsical law that reflects historical traditions and religious observances in the state.
7. Is it legal to hunt camels in Arizona? Surprisingly, it`s legal to hunt camels in Arizona, which can be traced back to early expeditions and military history in the region. However, it`s important to note that there are strict regulations and permits required for camel hunting.
8. Can I wear a coat of arms in public in Arizona? No, law wear coat arms public Arizona, considered form false representation impersonation. This law seeks to prevent deceptive actions and uphold the integrity of heraldry.
9. Is it legal to let a donkey sleep in a bathtub in Arizona? Contrary to the infamous law, it`s perfectly legal to let a donkey sleep in a bathtub in Arizona. The law specifically prohibits donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs, not from being in bathtubs, so feel free to let your donkey relax in the tub!
10. Can I drive my car in reverse on a public road in Glendale, Arizona? Yes, can! Glendale, Arizona, legal drive car reverse public road, limited distance. This law was enacted as a fun and unique way to celebrate the town`s history and attract tourists.